Allen Spine System an extension for your OR table

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Allen Spine System an extension for your OR table

The Allen Spine System is an extension for your OR table. that’s enables you to perform spine surgery with the positioning benefits of a stand-alone spine table such as the Allen Advance Table. 

The Premium Package also includes the C-Flex® Head Positioning System, which can be used with headrests or skull clamps. The “squeeze and position” technology supports easy, precise readjustments of the head and cervical spine intraoperatively.

The system provides excellent C-Arm and O-Arm access, hence also gives the radiolucency benefits of a stand-alone spine table.

By using the power of the operating table the Spine System offers intraoperative lumbar flex and repositioning of the patient. 

The small storage footprint is ideal in OR suites where storage space is at a premium. All the associated accessories adjust to fit the individual patient’s anatomy


Intraoperative Flex: Use the power of the table to flex and reposition the patient

Radiolucent Extension 48” x 17” (1220 mm x 430 mm): Provides excellent C-Arm and O-Arm access

Saves Space: Stores in less than 6 sq ft (.5 sq m) and accessories can be stored on the frame

Optimized Pressure Management: Chest, hip and head supports

Versatile: Prone, lateral and supine positioning

Range of Motion: Provides 20° lateral tilt, trend and flex powered by the OR table


Based originally in Acton, Massachusetts, Allen was founded in 1984 and grew to become one of the world’s leading manufacturers of accessories for OR tables. With the launch of the first height-adjustable booted stirrup that very same year, the brand gained acclaim as a technical innovator. Since then, it has continued to regularly introduce product innovations for OR patient positioning, including the Allen®Advance Spine Table, the Allen Yellofin® Stirrup family and the Allen Lift-Assist™ Beach Chair. Allen was acquired by Hill-Rom in 1999, subsequently expanding the company’s range in Surgical Safety and Efficiency.


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